Kelley McFarland

Come and Explore


My website is a responsive single page site using the Bootstrap grid system. A Bootstrap grid system allows up to 12 columns across a page.The 12 columns can be grouped together to create wider columns. And because Bootstrap is responsive, the columns will re-arrange depending on the screen size. On a big screen, three columns will look better with the content arranged in three columns, but on a small screen it would look better if the content items are stacked on one another.The Bootsrap portfolio(HTML5)features four major projects in the content field. The website features links to four websites with different technologies used in DHTML(HTML, CSS animation, JS, Jquery, and Bootstrap). The four major projects: The Tribute Page, Title Design Company web page, The Weight Converter(LB/KG), and the JavaScript Dynamic Photo Gallery are all styled using Cascading Style Sheets(CSS). I hope you enjoy my site.


My background is in fine art. I am trained in oil and watercolor painting. My art has evolved from traditional to modern. Digital media has broadened my skills and has made my work more available to the public on a larger scale. I am also trained in the field of Marketing and can now use my digital skills to reach a broader audience.As a musician I can set my art to music and make it possible for the visually impaired to enjoy the feel of my art as well.
Animation has made it possible to make my art come to life (See Below).

Art Adds to Life And Life Adds to Art... - Quote by "Kelley McFarland"